Paultons Park

Email Template Design and Build

Email Design

Paultons Park is a family theme Park based in the New Forest. Having seen our stunning email projects for other visitor attractions, the Paultons Park marketing team commissioned all interactive to design and build a set of new responsive email templates to promote the Park and their flagship Peppa Pig World attraction. We provided support to ensure the templates worked efficiently within their current CRM platform.

Paultons Park and Peppa Pig WOrld EMail Templates
Paultons Park Responsive Email Templates

Paultons Park Template shown on iPad and iPhone.

Peppa Pig World Responsive Email template

Peppa Pig World Template shown on iPad and iPhone.

More email projects

Make a splash with our 5 creative tips to boost email campaign performance

Make a splash and boost conversions from your next attraction email campaign with our 5 quick creative tips.

Find out more

Need to create an email campaign for your visitor attraction? Send us an email or call James on 01256 578 014